As social media platforms continue to grow in popularity and influence, the spread of fake news has become a pervasive problem. In the aftermath of India’s Lok Sabha elections in 2019, the spread of false information reached an all-time high, with celebratory posts mixed in with rumors and outright fabrications. One such piece of misinformation claimed that London City Tour Buses were going all across the City of London to welcome the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his visit to the UK.
The claim was first made by Twitter user Vishweshwar Bhat, who has over 68,000 followers on the platform. Bhat’s tweet, which was posted on May 24, 2019, read, “All the buses in London are greeting Modi ji..”. The tweet was accompanied by a photo of a bus with the words “Welcome Modi” written on it.
BOOM’s investigation into the viral post is a prime example of how fact-checking organizations work to verify the accuracy of news and information. They use a range of tools and techniques to investigate the source of a claim, cross-check it with reliable sources, and analyze the evidence before reaching a conclusion.
The images used in the post were found to have originated in 2015, when a bus named “Modi Express” was launched by the Indian community living in the UK. The false claim that the buses were being used to welcome the Prime Minister during his visit was likely spread with the intention of creating a sense of hype and excitement around the visit.
This instance of fake news highlights the need for fact-checking and verification of information before sharing it on social media. It also emphasizes the responsibility that social media users have in ensuring that they do not contribute to the spread of false information.
In conclusion, the claim that London City Tour Buses were being used to welcome the Indian Prime Minister during his visit to the UK is false. It is important to always verify information with reliable sources and to be cautious of sensational or clickbait headlines that may be misleading. By taking these steps, we can help to combat the spread of fake news and promote accurate information.